Design of Secure and Anti-Counterfeit Integrated Circuits

Friday, January 23, 2015 - 09:30 am
Swearingen 2A11
As electronic devices become increasingly interconnected and pervasive in people's lives, security, trustworthy computing, and privacy protection have notably emerged as important challenges for the next decade. The assumption that hardware is trustworthy and that security effort should only be focused on networks and software is no longer valid given globalization of integrated circuits (ICs) and systems design and fabrication. The design of secure hardware ICs requires novel approaches for authentication that are based on multiple factors that is difficult to compromise. Equally important is the need for protecting intellectual property and design of integrated circuits that are harder to reverse engineer. In this talk, I will explore both of the authentication-based and obfuscation-based hardware protection approaches. One popular technique of authentication-based protection is Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) which provide a hardware specific unique signature or identification. I will provide an overview of the reconfigurable PUF structures and circuits that could achieve higher security. Next, I will present a novel low-overhead solution to design Digital Signal Processing (DSP) circuits that are obfuscated both structurally and functionally by utilizing high-level transformation techniques. Finally, I will describe the theme of my future research: security, randomness, and computing. Yingjie Lao, PhD candidate at University of Minnesota,

Women in Computing@USC Meeting

Thursday, January 22, 2015 - 06:00 pm
3A75 (Swearingen)
Hopefully your semester is off to a good start. Just a reminder that we will have our first meeting tomorrow night at 6:00pm in 3A75 (Swearingen). It will be a great opportunity to learn about summer internships! More info at their Facebook Group.

ACM Student Meeting

Wednesday, January 21, 2015 - 05:00 pm
Swearingen, ACM room
Hi everyone! We are getting ready to kick off the semester with our first meeting this Wednesday, January 21st at 5 pm. The main focus for this meeting will be getting a list of our members so we can submit the names to the national ACM organization. If you cannot come to the meeting, please send me your name, email address, and please indicate if you are a national ACM member. Thank you! See here for details.

High Performance Meta-Genomic Gene Identification

Wednesday, December 3, 2014 - 02:00 pm
Swearingen (1A03, Faculty Lounge)
DISSERTATION DEFENSE Department of Computer Science and Engineering University of South Carolina Candidate: Ibrahim Savran Advisor: Dr. John Rose Date: Wednesday, December 3, 2014 Time: 2:00pm Place: Swearingen (1A03, Faculty Lounge) Computational Genomics, or Computational Genetics, refers to the use of computational and statistical analysis for understanding the structure and the function of genetic material in organisms. The primary focus of research in computational genomics in the past three decades has been the understanding of genomes and their functional elements by analyzing biological sequence data. The high demand for low-cost sequencing has driven the development of high- throughput sequencing technologies, next-generation sequencing (NGS), that parallelize the sequencing process, producing thousands or millions of sequences concurrently. Moore's Law is the observation that the number of transistors on integrated circuits doubles approximately every two years; correspondingly, the cost per transistor halves. The cost of DNA sequencing declines much faster, which implies more new DNA data will be obtained. This large-scale sequence data, produced with high throughput sequencing technologies, needs to be processed in a time-effective and cost-effective manner. In this dissertation, we present a high-performance meta-genome gene identification framework. This framework includes four modules: filter alignment, error correction, and gene identification. The following chapters describe the proposed design and evaluation of this pipeline. The most computationally expensive kernel in the framework is the alignment procedure. Thus, the filter module is developed to determine unnecessary alignment operations. Without the filter module, the alignment module requires 1.9 hours to complete all-to-all alignment on a test file of size 512,000 sequences with each sequence average length 750 base pairs by using ten Kepler K20 NVIDIA GPU. On the other hand, when combined with the filter kernel, the total time is 11.3 minutes. Note that the ideal speedup is nearly 91.4 times faster when new alignment kernel is run on ten GPUs (10*9.14). We conclude that accuracy can be achieved at the expense of more resources while operating frequency can still be maintained.

Research Challenges in Low-Duty-Cycle Networks

Friday, November 21, 2014 - 03:30 pm
Swearingen 1A03 (Faculty Lounge)
COLLOQUIUM Tian He Department of Computer Science and Engineering University of Minnesota Date: November 21 Time: 1530-1630 (3:30-4:30pm) Place: Swearingen 1A03 (Faculty Lounge) Abstract For decades, many researchers have been focusing on wireless networks in which devices are assumed to be ready to receive incoming packets, ignoring the fact that idle listening dominates energy consumption, especially in emerging low-rate low-power wireless transceivers (e.g., 802.15.4). To reduce the energy costs of idle listening, a device must reduce its duty-cycle by sampling RF channels very briefly and shutting down for long periods. At any given time, this type of network is actually fragmented and network connectivity becomes intermittent, wherein a sender suffers sleep latency, i.e., a delay waiting for an intended receiver to wake up. With the increasing gap between the long lifetime requirements and slow progress in battery technology, low-duty-cycle networking is a crucial future foundation for many energy-constrained wireless applications (e.g., low-power sensing, actuation, tagging and alert). However, the little research that has been done in this area predominately focuses on individual physical designs and the need for network-level research becomes increasing important. This talk introduces the latest development in low-duty-cycle networking research with the focus on how to optimize networking performance (e.g., delay, reliability, and cost) in the presence of sleep latency, unreliable links and dynamic energy availability. Dr. Tian He is currently an associate professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Minnesota-Twin City. Dr. He is the author and co-author of over 150 papers in premier wireless network journals and conferences with over 14,000 citations (h-index 48). Dr. He is the recipient of the NSF CAREER Award, McKnight Land-Grant Professorship and five best paper awards. Dr. He served as general or program chair positions in several international conferences and on many program committees. He currently serves as an editorial board member for six international journals including ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks and IEEE Transaction on Computers. His research includes wireless sensor networks, intelligent transportation systems, real-time embedded systems and distributed systems, supported by the National Science Foundation, IBM, Microsoft and other agencies and corporations.

Artificial Intelligence - Will the Machines Take Over?

Monday, November 17, 2014 - 07:00 pm
Honors Residence Hall B111
Interested in the future implications of Artificial Intelligence? Enjoy a good philosophical and scientific discussion? Come to ASBMB's Science and Philosophy event "Artificial Intelligence - Will the Machines Take Over?", discussing the future implications of Artificial Intelligence from many different viewpoints! The event will feature a panel of professors from many different disciplines; Dr. Michael Huhns and Dr. Marco Valtorta of the Computer Science and Engineering Departments, Dr. Susan Vanderborg of the English Department, Dr. Joseph November of the History Department, and Dr. Michael Dickson - the department chair of the Philosophy Department. The event will be at 7 pm on November 17th (NEXT MONDAY), in Honors Residence Hall B111. All majors are welcome, and refreshments will be served!

Controlling Drones Across the World with JavaScript

Friday, November 14, 2014 - 03:30 pm
Amoco Hall, Swearingen Building
SPEAKER: Chase Gray TITLE: Controlling Drones Across the World with JavaScript VENUE: Amoco Hall, Swearingen Building TIME: 3:30pm-4:30pm on Nov 14th (Friday) ABSTRACT: Silicon Valley now has more opportunities than it ever has in the past. When I was studying at South Carolina, it all seemed so far away and unreachable. I had no idea how to try to get a job at Google or a small startup. Now that I'm there I can't walk down the street or into a bar without someone trying to convince me to leave my current job to join their company. During my talk we will go over what the job market and hiring process is like at many companies in Silicon Valley. I will discuss some examples of what it is like working at Google & my current startup, DroneDeploy. At DroneDeploy we use a cellular connected drone to send back images and data while in flight to ground control stations written in JavaScript on any browser and any location in real-time. I will go over what DroneDeploy does and a bit of how we accomplish it. We will go over some details about projects we are working on at DroneDeploy and the types of people we are looking for to join our team. BIO: Chase graduated from USC with a Master's in computer science in 2008. During his last year in school, he started Ratchet Software and launched its primary product, to provide parsing and processing of healthcare financial data in an easy to use format. Ratchet Software was doing well, so he relocated to South America and continued to focus building the business over the next few years. In 2012 he accepted an offer at Wildfire Interactive, which was acquired by Google a few weeks later. At Google he focused on integrating Wildfire's analytics suite with Google systems and moving some of their products to Google's new JS Framework, AngularJS. In 2014, Chase left Google to join a team of ex-googlers and Ph.Ds to make it possible for anyone to collect useful data using drones from a simple interface on any device. At DroneDeploy Chase mostly focuses on the AngularJS frontend which is used to communicate with and control the drones as well as analyze the maps being created while the drone is still in the air.

Automated Scratchpad Mapping and Allocation for Embedded Processors

Thursday, November 13, 2014 - 04:15 pm
Swearingen Building, 3A75
DISSERTATION DEFENSE Department of Computer Science and Engineering University of South Carolina Candidate: Yang Gao Advisor: Dr. Jason D. Bakos Date: November 13, 2014 Time: 4:15pm-5:15pm Place: Swearingen Building, 3A75 Abstract Embedded system-on-chip processors such as the Texas Instruments C66 DSP and the IBM Cell provide the programmer with a software controlled on-chip memory to supplement a traditional but simple two-level cache. By decomposing data sets and their corresponding workload into small subsets that fit within this on-chip memory, the processor can potentially achieve equivalent or better performance, power efficiency, and area efficiency than with its sophisticated cache. However, program controlled on chip memory requires a shift in the responsibility for management and allocation from the hardware to the programmer. Specifically, this requires the explicit mapping of program arrays to specific types of on chip memory structure and the addition of supporting code that allocates and manages the on chip memory. Previous work in tiling focuses on automated loop transformations but are hardware agnostic and do not incorporate a performance model of the underlying memory design. In this work we will explore the relationship between mapping and allocation of tiles for stencil loops and linear algebra kernels on the Texas Instruments Keystone II DSP platform.