Advisement of undergraduate students is handled by the College Academic Advisors. See that page for more information on finding your advisor and how to get advised before you register for classes.
You can use our future class offerings schedule to plan your future schedule. Note that a few courses are only offered once a year, for example, CSCE 490 is only offered in the Fall and CSCE 492 only in the Spring, among others. Plan ahead.
Make sure that you satisfy all the prereqs of the classes that you plan to take. If you don't then Banner will not allow you to sign up for the class. If you believe you don't need the prereqs, discuss it with your advisor. If he or she agrees then you can fill out a Request for Prereq Waiver. If that request is approved then you will be allowed to sign up for the class.
If a class is full by the time you try to sign up for it, fill out our Override Request form (aka "the wait list") and we will try to increase the class size so you can sign up. You can do the same thing for courses in other departments. Namely, you can submit math class override requests, physics class override requests (look for "Override Request" in their websites).
If you have any questions or problems, please contact our Undergraduate Director Dr. Jose Vidal.