Building Trustable Methods for Group Recommendations: Advancing Fairness and Robustness Across Domains

Friday, February 14, 2025 - 10:00 am


Department of Computer Science and Engineering

University of South Carolina

Author : Siva Likitha Valluru
Advisor: Dr. Biplav Srivastava
Date: February 14, 2025
Time:  10 am – 11:30 am
Place: AI Institute, Seminar Room 529 and Teams


On the internet, where the number of available choices is exponentially growing, there is a need to prioritize and efficiently deliver relevant results to users, on demand. Recommendation systems (RSs) address this need by searching and filtering through large amounts of dynamically generated information and providing users with recommendations tailored to them. These systems have primarily focused on (1) single-user models, where recommendations are tailored towards a specific individual, or (2) single-item models, where items are recommended based on a broader appeal to users and similarities in item metadata, in the past. In many real-world scenarios, however, recommendation systems are often tailored to groups of users rather than individual users. This shift from single-user and towards group recommendation brings forth unique challenges such as addressing the diverse needs of a group, resolving conflicts and reaching consensus, assuring that groups receive fair recommendations without bias towards protected characteristics such as race, gender, and socioeconomic status; and ensuring that recommendations remain stable and adaptable even in response to dynamic and evolving environments. Such systems are growing increasingly relevant in disciplines such as team management, healthcare, online communities, and entertainment.

This dissertation explores and addresses the unique challenges of group recommendation systems (GRSs), such as increased computational complexity, varying group dynamics, and principles of trustworthy artificial intelligence (AI) related to bias, fairness, and robustness. The research makes contributions towards developing novel methods and metrics for GRSs, evaluating them with respect to performance through real-world case studies, such as team formation (project management) and meal planning (healthcare), and improving fairness and robustness of group recommendations. For team recommendation, the built system, called ULTRA, has been evaluated to demonstrate its effectiveness and generality in the context of research funding at academic institutions in the United States (US) and India. This work releases comprehensive datasets to aid in developing adaptable and reliable GRSs that optimize both performance and user satisfaction in dynamic environments. Beyond research, the dissertation is opening new avenues in entrepreneurship, intellectual property, and teaching resources.

Augmenting Deep Learning for Efficient NextG Wireless Communication and Sensing Systems

Friday, January 31, 2025 - 11:00 am


Department of Computer Science and Engineering

University of South Carolina

Author : Hem Kanta Regmi
Advisor: Dr. Sanjib Sur
Date: Jan 31, 2025
Time:  11 am – 1:00 pm
Place: TeamsMeeting Link
Meeting ID: 234 373 819 493
Passcode: mC6WG6me


  Wireless networks have become an integral aspect of our daily lives. Over the years, earlier generations of wireless networks have enabled some innovative applications, such as wireless gaming, fast internet browsing, and home automation, which were previously unattainable. However, to support emerging technologies like autonomous driving, virtual reality, telemedicine, and intelligent manufacturing, which require high data throughput and low latency, there is a need for advanced wireless networks. Legacy networks like WiFi/LTE, which operate below 6 GHz, have limited bandwidth and are insufficient to fulfill the high data throughput demands of several applications.

Millimeter-wave (mmWave) networks, operating between 30 GHz to 300 GHz, promise to offer a broader contiguous spectrum and low latency and might solve various applications’ data throughput and latency requirements. However, due to the directional nature of mmWave, it is prone to frequent outages while using Line-of-Sight (LoS) paths only, and the network deployment needs to consider Non-Line-of-Sight (NLoS) paths to provide reliable network connectivity. Additionally, due to the high operating frequency of mmWave network devices, these devices can also work as sensors to detect objects in their surroundings and work in all weather conditions. However, the specularity of mmWave and the weak reflectivity of objects cause most object details to be lost, making objects imperceptible. Besides, sharing a single mmWave device for networking and sensing applications reduces data throughput and sensing accuracy.

In this dissertation, we first design and evaluate a deep learning-based model to find optimal locations of 5G base stations (called “picocell”) for indoor and outdoor environments. Due to the lack of open-source data samples at high frequency, we collect actual data samples and verify our deep-learning models. Our model uses semantic features of the environment, such as the wall, ceiling, floor, and door, to make it generalizable and requires only a few data samples from the new environment to fine-tune, and it removes the need for an extensive site survey for optimal deployment. We then enable accurate sensing and high-throughput networking with a single mmWave device. We use conditional Generative Adversarial Networks to get an accurate depth image of the objects and residual networks to predict unobservable data samples from previously observed ones during networking. Finally, we design and implement a deep learning framework to detect the 3D bounding boxes of vehicles and pedestrians from mmWave devices in harsh weather conditions and compare their performance with vision-based methods. We use the non-anchor bounding box prediction method to enable 3D object detection for outdoor environments.

Neural Network-Based Low-Level 3D Point Cloud Processing

Thursday, December 19, 2024 - 09:00 am


Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of South Carolina
Author : Pingping Cai
Advisor: Dr. Song Wang

Date: Dec 19, 2024
Time:  9 am – 10: 30 am
Place: Teams Link
Meeting ID: 240 720 185 444
Passcode: Lj6ot2X7 


  3D computer vision is a promising research field with the potential to revolutionize future lifestyles. Among various 3D representation formats, point clouds stand out for their efficiency in depicting 3D objects using a set of coordinates, enabling advancements in fields such as autonomous driving, virtual reality, and robotics. Due to the limitations of sensor fields of view and scanning trajectories, the collected point clouds are usually sparse, noisy, and incomplete, impeding the performance of many downstream applications. Thus, the tasks of low-level point cloud processing are proposed to refine and generate dense, clean, and complete point clouds.

To accomplish these tasks, traditional algorithms rely on manually designed rules for processing point clouds in 3D coordinate space, but they often struggle with new or complex shapes. In contrast, neural network-based algorithms extract and manipulate geometric features in a high-dimensional feature space and have made substantial progress in point cloud processing. Nevertheless, outputs from existing neural networks frequently exhibit ambiguous shapes and excessive noise, indicating significant room for improvement. Therefore, we focus on advancing neural network-based low-level point cloud processing algorithms, including upsampling, completion, and denoising. A key contribution of this dissertation is the integration of task-specific properties, such as geometric surface constraints and 3D shape knowledge, into neural networks, resulting in significant improvements over previous methods.
We begin our research with the task of point cloud upsampling, a fundamental problem in 3D analysis. A number of attempts achieve this goal by establishing a point-to-point mapping function via deep neural networks. However, these approaches are prone to produce outlier points due to the lack of explicit surface-level constraints. To solve this problem, we introduce a novel surface regularizer into the upsampler network by forcing the neural network to learn the underlying parametric surface represented by bicubic functions and rotation functions, where the newly generated points are then constrained on the underlying surface.
Then, we focus on the point cloud shape completion task, which aims to reconstruct the missing regions of the incomplete point clouds with accurate shapes. Prior approaches address this task by generating a coarse but complete seed point cloud through an encoder-decoder network. However, the encoded features often suffer from information loss in the missing portions, leading to an inability of the decoder to reconstruct the seed point cloud with detailed geometric features. To overcome this challenge, we propose a novel dictionary-guided shape completion network. It consists of orthogonal dictionaries that can learn shape priors from training samples, thereby compensating for the information loss in missing portions during inference and enhancing the representation capability of seed points.
Finally, we continue our research on the point cloud denoising task, where the denoised point clouds are expected to well represent the underlying object shape, as well as exhibit better point distributions on the object surface. Previous methods iteratively shift noisy points toward the underlying surface using fixed directions, resulting in poor efficiency and distribution. To address this problem, we introduce a novel direction-guided denoising pipeline, where each point is shifted to the underlying surface using optimally predicted directions and distances. It includes the newly designed direction-guided projection blocks, based on neural implicit functions, to facilitate efficient point movement.

Ethical and effective use of AI in academic settings. How should we use AI effectively in our classrooms?

Friday, November 1, 2024 - 10:00 am

You are invited to attend an AI Roundtable event this Friday, November 1. This event is entitled “Ethical and effective use of AI in academic settings. How should we use AI effectively in our classrooms?”

We will have representatives from various departments across campus (Law/Academic Integrity/Library Sciences) and the panel will discuss the use of Gen AI in classrooms. You will have the opportunity to provide feedback to them as both faculty and students.

If you are interested in attending, please register here:

Held online and in person at the AI Institute 
Room 513, 1112 Greene St. Columbia, SC 29208 (Science and Technology Building)
10 am ET to 12 PM ET (refreshments will be provided)

*Limited to 50 in-person participants

Multi-scale AI-assisted Gene Expression Decoding

Thursday, October 24, 2024 - 09:30 am


Department of Computer Science and Engineering

University of South Carolina

Author : Fengyao Yan

Advisor : Dr. Yan Tong, Dr. Jijun Tang

Date : Oct 24th, 2024

Time:  9:30 am

Place : Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 828 5701 9481
Passcode: 747882

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Meeting ID: 828 5701 9481
Passcode: 747882

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      Genes can be treated as a graph that can be mapped. Tremendous information is coded in genes to ensure a complex functioning organism. Decoding this information is critical to understanding our biology and developing treatments for various diseases including cancer. Deep learning, a new branch of computer science, has gained traction over the past decade. It offers more insight into the data that is processed by the deep-learning models. Our study has shown that deep-learning models can be an effective tool in decoding genetic data such as gene tissue-deconvolution, gene graph mapping and genomic imputation. In tasks such as tissue deconvolution, our research has demonstrated the superior capability of deep learning-based approaches in capturing sample variations compared to traditional numerical analytical methods. While our approach requires large relevant datasets for effective deep learning training, this challenge can be addressed with increasing data availability. In gene graphing and mapping, our Graph Neural Network based approach consistently outperforms traditional regression techniques by a significant margin. The primary challenge here lies in the demand for substantial computing resources; however, the ongoing growth in average computing power and the enhanced accessibility of computational resources are expected to alleviate this constraint over time. Moreover, in the realm of generating and imputing missing biological data, cutting-edge generative AI models have proven to be invaluable. We are actively exploring the potential of generative AI to aid in imputing common missing biological data such as gene expression or methylation states. Overall, the evolution of advanced deep learning models has introduced fresh perspectives and possibilities to the field of biology and medicine, albeit accompanied by certain challenges. By addressing these challenges, deep learning models exhibit remarkable efficacy in resolving complex biomedical issues. In the foreseeable future, these advancements hold the promise of unveiling novel biological insights and facilitating the development of innovative treatments, thereby propelling biomedical research forward and ultimately benefiting humanity. 

AI-fication: Applied Artificial Intelligence in Smart Manufacturing Systems

Friday, October 11, 2024 - 10:00 am
AI Institute

Join Zoom Meeting

 Meeting ID: 875 6950 7267


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is THE topic of the hour - praised to solve the most pressing problems of humankind while at the same time damned as the end of civilization as we know it. In manufacturing, every company today has been told by service providers, vendors, and the media that they need to invest in AI and other Smart Manufacturing technologies or face certain failure. At the same time, there is a lack of understanding of how Applied AI and other Smart Manufacturing technologies impact the business models, value creation, and sustainability in a manufacturing and digital supply network context. This seminar highlights recent promising efforts to apply AI to improve manufacturing. First, we will be looking at selected advanced, smart, and sustainable manufacturing related projects including i) a recently completed collaborative project on ‘Hybrid modeling for energy efficient CNC grinding’ funded by CESMII which achieved a 37% reduction in energy and 41% in processing time, ii) an ongoing effort funded by NSF on factory to factory communication, digital twins, and time-series analytics, iii) a new DoD funded project on time-series analytics in composites additive manufacturing, and iv) a NSF funded effort combining federated learning and blockchain technology in manufacturing networks. Concluding, we will be venturing out a bit by exploring more visionary ‘tomorrow’s’ opportunities of advanced and smart manufacturing technologies. The seminar content is based on projects funded by CESMII, NSF, DoD, NIST, and the EPA, and partially based on the presenter's book 'Digital Supply Networks' by McGraw-Hill that won the IISE Book of the Year 2021 award -

Short Bio:

Dr. Thorsten Wuest is a Full Professor of Mechanical Engineering in the Molinaroli College of Engineering and Computing at the University of South Carolina. His research focusses on Smart and Advanced Manufacturing, AI/ML incl., Hybrid Analytics and Federated Learning, Industry 4.0, Servitization and Product Service Systems, as well as closed-loop, item-level Product Lifecycle Management. Dr. Wuest's research is funded by a variety of federal agencies (incl. NSF, NIST, DoD, EPA, NIH, CESMII/DoE), international agencies (incl. Thomas Jefferson Fund, DFG, EC, BMBF, etc.), and industry. He is a globally recognized Smart Manufacturing thought leader and one of SME's 20 most influential professors in smart manufacturing. In addition to publishing his work in the premier academic outlets of his field, he was featured by Forbes, Futurism, IndustryWeek, the World Economic Forum, CBC Radio, and World Manufacturing Forum, etc. Dr. Wuest gave invited talks in more than 10 countries and published three award-winning books and over 170 peer-reviewed articles in international archival journals and conferences gathering over 11,000 citations to-date, and serves as a reviewer for many. He serves as Vice-Chair Americas for the IFIP WG 5.7, is an Associate Editor for the Robotics & Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (RCIM), ASTM Journal Smart and Sustainable Manufacturing Systems (SSMS), and the International Journal of Manufacturing Research (IJMR), and a member of the Editorial Board for the Journal of Manufacturing Systems (JMSY) and Production & Manufacturing Research (PMR) and several more. He serves on the Advisory Board for multiple companies and startups, including the Knudsen Institute, Maven Machines, Veepio, Sustainment, and SavePlanetEarth. Learn more at

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Friday, September 20, 2024 - 10:00 am
Held in person on the third Friday of each month at the AI Institute 1112 Greene St. Columbia, SC 29208

AI-athon: Bring your data, research problem, and a potential Machine Learning approach (perhaps developed during AI-ification) for full implementation during a one-day hands-on workshop. The AII will provide space and expertise to guide you through installation, coding, and development of a Machine Learning engine. To remain effective, we aim to offer a low participant-to-instructor ratio, therefore, space is limited. At the end of this one-day workshop, you will walk away with a functional ML engine, the knowledge of how to improve the core engine, and have formed a collaborative research in AI/ML.
Registration form:


Friday, September 13, 2024 - 10:00 am
Held in person on the second Friday of each month at the AI Institute 1112 Greene St. Columbia, SC 29208

AI-ification: Present your research that can benefit from modern AI approaches to a panel of friendly and knowledgeable AI practitioners during the first hour of this meeting. During the second hour of the meeting, the panel will brainstorm and recommend ways of integrating modern AI techniques into your existing research. Form new collaborations and partnerships during the brainstorming session, take the formed ideas to AI-athon, and embark on your path to Deep AI-ification.
Registration form:

Details at