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Karina Liles named GEM Affiliate Fellow

PhD student Karina Liles has been named a GEM Affiliate Fellow by the the National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering and Science. GEM's mission is to broaden participation of minorities in STEM fields at the graduate level. Liles works with Dr. Beer in the ART LAB and is studying the use of robots as teaching assistants for middle school educators. As reported by CEC news article
A computer science and engineering doctoral student at The University of South Carolina recently received an honor that will hopefullyplace her among the country’s most desirable engineering graduates in the future. The National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering and Science, Incorporated named Karina Liles a GEM Affiliate Fellow. GEM’s mission is to broaden participation of minorities in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields at the master’s and doctoral levels. The national organization assists companies throughout the United States in providing graduate fellowships to minority students from communities where such talent is largely untapped. Liles is from Bennettsville, South Carolina. She received her undergraduate degree in computer science from Spelman College and then earned a Master of Education in Educational Technology from USC before beginning her doctoral study in the USC College of Engineering and Computing. “In high school, I began developing computer games for my three year old sister to help her learn her letters and colors, “ said Liles. “I quickly realized that I enjoyed working with computers and had a talent for it. I knew I needed a formal education which is where my true passion for computers, robots and technologies blossomed.” Liles now works alongside Dr. Jenay Beer in the Assisted Robotics and Technology (ART) Lab in the Department of Computer Science andEngineering. Her research is focused on creating and using robots as teaching assistants for middle school educators. She is also assisting with the programming of a robot to help music therapists who work with children with special learning needs. “We are certainly not trying to replace classroom teachers or therapists but rather, we hope the robots can assist these professionals. Students of all ages seem to be interested in the robots and respond to them with enthusiasm. We hope that helps in the learning process.”

New Faculty: Dr. Ioannis Rekleitis

We would like to welcome our newest assistant professor, Dr. Ioannis Rekleitis to the department. He was previously at McGill University, in Canada, and before that he was a visiting fellow at the Canadian Space Agency. His research focuses on mobile robotics, and in particular multi-robot cooperative localization, mapping, exploration and coverage. He is in office 3A54 and will be teaching CSCE 774 "Robotics Systems" this semester.

Dr. Huhns Elected AAAI Fellow

We would like to congratulate our very own Dr. Huhns for being elected a AAAI Fellow. The Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence's Fellows program was started in 1990 to recognize individuals who have made significant, sustained contributions---usually over at least a ten-year period---to the field of artificial intelligence. Dr. Huhns is recognized "For significant contributions to the field of multiagent systems and its applications in information management and service-oriented computing."

Facial Expression Recognition Research

Dr. Tong has been recognized as a 2014 Breakthrough Star and is featured in this @UofSC story where she describes her ongoing research on facial expression recognition.
If we are successful, computers could be used to recognize signs of road rage or intoxication in automobile drivers or to help teach autistic children how to interpret and respond appropriately to facial cues.

Dr. Farkas on Securing Government Websites

WISTV news has featured Dr. Farkas in a story about the security of local government websites.
These protocols provide authentication which is based on the digital certificate for the server. As well as agreeing on a cyber suite that can be used to protect the communication, provide confidentiality and integrity.

Cyber Challenge Contest Winners

Last week, three of our cyber defense team members competed in an international online contest, the US Cyber Challenge's CyberQuests 2014. This was an individual event, and each of our students placed in the top 100. Although the totals aren't announced yet for this year, last year, more than 1400 students competed in this contest. Congratulations to: Yasemin Pak: 19th place, Alex Cummings: 20th place, Catharine West: 71st place.

Alumni Demonstrate Generosity Through High-Tech Philanthropy

Armed with a big idea and a short email list, Zoher Bharmal (MS, Computer Science’98) started a unique effort to fund scholarships for computer science students at USC. Bharmal, who is an employee at Microsoft’s Irving, Texas facility, wanted to establish an endowment to give back to the university where he and his wife, Farida, earned their degrees. But he could not fully fund the $25,000 required to endow a scholarship. He turned to Microsoft’s matching gift program, which provides dollar-for-dollar money to charitable organizations or institutions selected by Microsoft employees. Then, he looked to a group of employees within Microsoft who were USC alumni. Though he had not met any of these colleagues and they were scattered across the country, he sent them an email detailing his hope to fund a computer science scholarship through their collective contributions. Within a week, six USC alumni joined the effort. “What’s interesting about this group is that most of us don’t know each other, but we are joined by our interest in giving something meaningful back to USC, “said Bharmal. “We may live thousands of miles apart - Seattle, Dallas, Washington DC and Charlotte - but we have a common bond.” Using Microsoft’s payroll deduction and matching gift contributions, the group is expected to fully fund the scholarship within 18 months. For information regarding contributions to the USC Alumni/Microsoft Employees Endowed Scholarship Fund, contact Jeff Verver at The College of Engineering and Computing at or call (803) 777-3612. In Their Own Words
“I’ve considered giving to the university, but wanted my efforts to go to something beyond a general fund. When I saw the opportunity to participate in the endowment, I jumped on board. With Microsoft’s match, you feel even better that you can give even more.”
Evan Dodds – Microsoft employee, donor and alum
“USC enabled me to be at Microsoft today, and I am thrilled to give and help undergraduates succeed! I was very grateful for the help and education I received, and felt that in some way I should give back. I think about all the instructors who helped me, and even though it was years ago I can vividly remember all of them. The Microsoft match makes giving that much easier.”
Amy Vargo – Microsoft employer, donor and alum This articles is from the CEC News website.

Cyber Defense Team wins 2nd Place

The USC Cyber Defense Team placed Second in the state-wide Palmetto Cyber Defense Competition held yesterday in Charleston! The Team, consisting of Alex Cummings, Brian Flick, Jonathan Kilby, Patrick McIntyre, Aadel Ragaban captain, and Catharine West have been training and practicing with the expert assistance of Ronni Wilkinson and Joey Eckstrom. Each team in the competition, a "Blue" Team, had to defend the network of a small company against continual attacks from a "Red" Team, consisting of professionals from SPAWAR and NSA. At the start, each network was totally insecure and already compromised. Our team had to race to get their network secured, thwart the attacks, and able to conduct business operations. This is the first time we have entered the competition – all of the other teams have been there before – and next year we plan to win it! You can also hear Ronni Wilkinson being interviewed by the IT Minute podcast about this competition.

Outstanding Graduate Student Awards

Aspen Olmsted We congratulate the following graduate students for receiving recognition for their outstanding work. Aspen Olmsted, was named Outstanding Graduate Researcher, Computer Science & Engineering. James O'Reilly was named Outstanding Teaching Assistant, Computer Science & Engineering. They will be listed in the Graduate Student Day Awards Ceremony bulletin.

Connor Bain Wins Goldwater Scholarship

Connor BainWe are pleased to announce that one of our undergraduate students, Connor Bain, has received a Goldwater Scholarship. The Goldwater Scholarship is awarded nationally to sophomores and juniors pursuing bachelors’ degrees in natural sciences, mathematics, or engineering and who intend to pursue a career in research and/or college-level teaching. Connor has been active in the ARENA. You can read the official announcement.