An enhanced Metropolis-Hastings algorithm based on Gaussian processes

Friday, January 22, 2016 - 02:50 pm
2A27 Swearingen Engineering Center
Friday, January 22, 2:50 - 4:05 PM, Asif Jamil Chowdhury, University of South Carolina Abstract: Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) has become the main computational workhorse in scientific computing for solving statistical inverse problems. It is difficult however to use MCMC algorithms when the likelihood function is computational expensive to evaluate.Here, a novel Metropolis-Hastings algorithm is proposed to sample from posterior distributions corresponding to computationally expensive simulations. The main innovation is emulating the likelihood function using Gaussian processes. The proposed emulator is constructed on the fly as the MCMC simulation evolves and adapted based on the uncertainty in the acceptance rate. The algorithm is tested on a number of benchmark problems where it is shown that it significantly reduces the number of forward simulations. Bio: Asif Jamil Chowdhury is a graduate student in the department of Computer Science and Engineering at University of South Carolina. His supervisor is Dr. Gabriel Terejanu. His primary research interests lie in the field of uncertainty quantification and model validation. At present he is working on the use of Gaussian Processes in Bayesian optimization and Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods. Before starting his graduate studies he worked as software developer for seven years. This seminar is open to anyone who is interested, not just students enrolled in the CSCE 791 class. Please consider attending.

Learning Human Poses from Molecular Images

Wednesday, January 20, 2016 - 01:00 pm
Swearingen 3A75
Candidate: Xiaochuan Fan Advisor: Dr. Song Wang Date: January 20, 2016 Time: 1:00 P.M. Place: Swearingen 3A75 Abstract In this research, we mainly focus on the problem of estimating 2D and 3D human poses from monocular images. Different from many previous works, neither our 2D nor 3D pose estimation approaches uses hand-crafted graphical model. Instead, our approaches learn the knowledge on human body using machine learning techniques. Reconstructing 3D human poses from a single set of 2D locations is an ill-posed problem without considering the human body model. In this research, we propose a new approach, namely pose locality constrained representation (PLCR), to model the 3D human body and use it to improve 3D human pose estimation. In this approach, PLCR utilizes a block-structural pose dictionary to explicitly encourage pose locality in human-body modeling. Finally, PLCR is combined into the matching-pursuit based algorithm for 3D human-pose estimation. The 2D locations used by our 3D pose estimation approach may come from manual annotation or estimated 2D poses. This research proposes a new learning-based 2D human pose estimation approach based on a Dual-Source Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DS-CNN). The proposed DS-CNN model takes a set of category-independent object proposals detected from the image as the input and then learns the appearance of each local part by considering their holistic views in the full body. We also develop an algorithm to combine these results from all the object proposals for estimating the 2D human pose. The experimental results shows that our PLCR-based 3D pose estimation approach outperforms the state-of-the-art algorithm based on the standard sparse representation and physiological regularity in reconstructing a variety of 3D human poses from both synthetic data and real images. Furthermore, the proposed DS-CNN model produces superior or comparable performance against the state-of-the-art 2D human-pose estimation methods based on pose priors that are estimated from physiologically inspired graphical models or learned from a holistic perspective. Surprised by CNN's power shown in our 2D human pose estimation approach and many other computer vision tasks, we are interested on such a question, if we can discover new knowledge from a CNN model? In this research, we evaluate the impact of all image regions and then show that different regions have different impact and the regions with large impact can provide important cue or signature for a given computer vision task. Note that this cue is not included in the ground truth of training samples. So we consider the signature regions as an interesting representation of new knowledge.

Women in Computing: SET Fair prep

Tuesday, January 19, 2016 - 06:00 pm
Swearingen 3A75.
Women in Computing will be hosting their first event this semester on Tuesday Jan 19th at 6pm, in Swearingen 3A75. Come join us as we prepare for the Spring 2016 SET fair! We will have a short presentation on the making of a great resume followed by a "speed dating" style resume review. Be sure to bring your resume! As always, pizza will be provided and all, both men and women, are welcome! Please sign up via the following link: Hope to see you there, ~Jenay

Applying Multimodal Sensing to Indoor Localization

Friday, January 15, 2016 - 02:50 pm
2A26 Swearingen Engineering Center
He Wang, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign Friday, January 15, 2:50-4:05 PM, 2A26 Swearingen Engineering Center Abstract: Indoor localization has been a tantalizing problem in mobile computing, and despite significant research, there is no solution yet in the mainstream. In this talk, I will discuss the landscape of indoor localization. I will also talk about my own research, UnLoc, which breaks away from pure RF based localization (e.g., cellular, Wi-Fi) and shows the benefits of leveraging smartphone sensors (accelerometers, gyroscopes, magnetometers, etc.) into the solution framework. I will describe additional solutions, VideoLoc, where feeds from surveillance cameras can be leveraged for highly precise localization and customer interaction, without compromising privacy of individual users. I will end with how some of our core techniques are not specific to localization and can be extended to other applications such as augmented reality. Bio: He Wang is a PhD candidate in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. His research focuses on designing mobile sensing systems, with an emphasis on indoor localization. His work has been featured in the media such as Scientific American, MIT Technology Review, LA Times, Yahoo News and Daily Mail. He received his master’s degree from Duke University in 2013 and bachelor’s degree from Tsinghua University in 2011. This seminar is open to anyone who is interested, not just students enrolled in the CSCE 791 class. Please consider attending.

Career Fair Prep

Wednesday, January 13, 2016 - 05:00 pm
ACM is hosting a Career Fair Prep presentation by the Technical Youth program at Brooksource. They are going to give tips on preparing for a career fair and interviews as well as share IT market trends and LinkedIn tips and tricks. Pizza will be provided so please RSVP on the Facebook event on the ACM group if you are able. Below is the link to the event and attached is the flyer.

Big Analog Data - the Often Overlooked Big Data

Tuesday, November 24, 2015 - 02:50 pm
Amoco Hall, Swearingen
Dr. Tom Bradicich GM & VP Hewlett Packard Enterprises Where and When: Tuesday, Nov. 24 Amoco Hall, Swearingen 2:50 PM- 4:00 PM  What: An engineer who is a well-known worldwide leader in IT shares his wisdom for leading and succeeding. Why Come? Dr. Bradicich led the design team for IBM’s first prototype notebook (laptop) computer. Currently he is a general manager and vice president of Hewett Packard Enterprises and leads three global HP Discovery Labs in the US, France, and Singapore. He holds several patents. Dr. Bradicich has advised foreign governments, major universities, and global industry leaders. He serves as a technical advisor to HP legal on business and IP contracts with third parties. He is leading the global business unit Hyperscale Servers and Systems (IoT=Internet of Things). His systems received an InfoWorld 2015 Technology of the Year Award. He has earned the BSEE, MSEE, and PhD Engineering degrees, serves on the Dean’s Advisory Board of the College of Engineering at the University of Florida, and has guest lectured and served as adjunct faculty at several universities, teaching courses in the Departments of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Dr. Bradicich is sought after by the media. He is coming to USC as a favor and in a most unusual and generous offer has decided not to charge for his services. Students should take advantage of hearing wisdom from such a world leader. You can see his accomplishments by checking these things out: 1. LinkedIn: 2. Google Tom Bradicich: See the quotes by him 3. His Blog:


Friday, November 20, 2015 - 12:00 pm
This semester's Code-a-thon is scheduled for November 20th! Be ready for an exciting night of coding and more coding! We will have pizza, prizes, and problems, you don't need more than that. There are problems for all levels of programmers, split into 145, 146, and 240+ divisions, so don't be afraid to come out! We have 1D11 and 1D15 reserved for the event! Hope to see you there! Please RSVP on facebook:

Constrained Geometric Approximation Algorithm for Robot Planning and Distributed Multi-Robot Formation Algorithm

Friday, November 13, 2015 - 01:00 pm
Swearingen, 3A00 (Dean’s Conference Room)
Dissertation Defense Candidate: Yang Song Advisor: Dr. Jason O’Kane Date: Friday, November 13, 2015 Time: 1:00pm Location: Swearingen, 3A00 (Dean’s Conference Room) Abstract This dissertation first presents our geometric-­based planning algorithm for robots to describe and reason about uncertainty, termed the `"constrained geometric approximation approach" Previous work delivered computationally expensive methods to represent a robot's knowledge of its states and uncertainty explicitly, using an information state in the information space. In contrast, our approach is computationally inexpensive. Specifically, this approximation method uses simple geometric data structures which are suitable for the robots with extreme limitations in both sensing and computation. We provided simulations of sensor ­based navigation tasks, along with experimental results. We conclude that the robot can achieve similar success rate at a small fraction of the computational cost, by maintaining simple representations of the incomplete information. The dissertation also contributes two decentralized algorithms for the multi-­robot lattice pattern formation problem. Prior work solved such problems by constituting only particular lattice patterns. Our approaches enable robots to form arbitrary lattice patterns without global knowledge of the system. Both of the formation algorithms feature in representing the lattice as a directed graph, in which edges show the desired rigid body transformations between the robot and its neighbors. Another common feature of the two algorithms is that robots organize themselves using tree structures. The first formation algorithm enables each robot to perform distributed task assignment using only local information. The experimental results demonstrate that the algorithm executes efficiently and scales reasonably well as the number of robots increases. Moreover, the algorithm is stateless and is robust to system failures. We analyze the pitfalls of the proposed task-assignment-­based formation algorithm. According to the analysis, we have designed another formation algorithm that has new features including: The bounded execution time, a novel motion strategy that guarantees the network connectivity, and the improved final lattice formation quality. Furthermore, we have proved the correctness of the new algorithm and conducted groups of experiments to compare the timing performance and the formation qualities of both formation algorithms.