Ensembles of Many Weak Defenses are Strong: Defending Deep Neural Networks Against Adversarial Attacks

Friday, December 6, 2019 - 02:20 pm
Storey Innovation Center (Room 1400)
Ying Meng and Jianhai Su Abstract: Despite achieving state-of-the-art performance across many domains, deep neural networks (DNN) are highly vulnerable to subtle adversarial perturbations. Defense approaches have been proposed in recent years, many of which have been shown inefficient by researchers. Early study suggests that ensembles created by combining multiple weak defenses are still weak. However, we observe that it is possible to construct efficient ensembles using many weak defenses. In this work, we implement and present 5 strategies to construct efficient ensembles from many (possibly weak) defenses that comprise transforming the inputs (e.g. rotation, shifting, noising, denoising, and many more) before feeding them to the classifier. We test our ensembles with adversarial examples generated by various adversaries (27 sets generated by 9 different adversarial attack methods, such as FGSM, JSMA, One-Pixel, etc.) on MNIST and investigate the factors that may impact the effectiveness of an ensemble model. We evaluate our ensembles via 4 threat models (i.e., white-box, gray-box, black-box, and zero-knowledge attacks). Also, we study and attempt to explain, empirically, how a transformation blocks perturbations generated by an adversary.

An Overlay Architecture for Pattern Matching

Monday, November 25, 2019 - 09:30 am
Meeting Room 2265, Innovation Center
DISSERTATION DEFENSE Department of Computer Science and Engineering University of South Carolina Author : Rasha Karakchi Advisor : Dr. Bakos Date : Nov 25th, 2019 Time : 9:30 am Place : Meeting Room 2265, Innovation Center Abstract Deterministic and Non-deterministic Finite Automata (DFA and NFA) comprise the fundamental unit of work for many emerging big data applications, motivating recent efforts to develop Domain-Specific Architectures (DSAs) to exploit fine-grain parallelism available in automata workloads. This dissertation presents NAPOLY (Non-Deterministic Automata Processor OverLaY), an overlay architecture and associated software that attempt to maximally exploit on-chip memory parallelism for NFA evaluation. In order to avoid an upper bound in NFA size that commonly affects prior efforts, NAPOLY is optimized for runtime reconfiguration, allowing for full reconfiguration in 10s of microseconds. NAPOLY is also parameterizable, allowing for offline generation of repertoire of overlay configurations with various trade-offs between state capacity and transition capacity. In this dissertation, we evaluate NAPOLY on automata applications packaged in ANMLZoo benchmarks using our proposed state mapping heuristic and off-shelf SAT solver. We compare NAPOLY's performance against existing CPU and GPU implementations. The results show NAPOLY performs best for larger benchmarks with more active states and high report frequency. NAPOLY outperforms in 10 out of 12 benchmark suite to the best of state-of-the-art CPU and GPU implementations. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first example of a runtime-reprogrammable FPGA-based automata processor overlay.

Building AI, with Trust

Monday, November 18, 2019 - 10:15 am
Storey Innovation Center (Room 2277)
Presentation Topics/ Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Trust, Rating Services, Real World Applications, Conversation Agents Speaker: Dr. Biplav Srivastava, Distinguished Data Scientist and Master Inventor, IBM ACM Distinguished Scientist, ACM Distinguished Speaker, IEEE Senior Member Monday November 18, Storey Innovation Center (Room 2277) from 10:15 am - 11:15 am. Abstract: Artificial Intelligence (AI), a well-established sub-discipline of computer science, is considered as a key technology to address society's pressing challenges in areas as diverse as environment, health, finance and city services. However, early AI adoption has also raised issues like whether humans can trust the system and its output is fair. In this talk, I will discuss our recent work on two promising AI technologies: market intelligence using online product reviews and data exploration using conversation agents (chatbots). Then, I will describe our novel idea of rating AI services for trust as a third-party service and how it can help AI users, developers, business leaders and regulators make better decisions. The talk will conclude with a perspective on open and collaborative multi-disciplinary innovations. Bio: Dr. Biplav Srivastava is presently a Distinguished Data Scientist and Master Inventor at IBM's Chief Analytics Office. With over two decades of research experience in Artificial Intelligence, Services Computing and Sustainability, most of which was at IBM Research, Biplav is also an ACM Distinguished Scientist and Distinguished Speaker, and IEEE Senior Member. Biplav mostly works with open data, APIs and AI-based analytics to create decision-support tools. In AI, his focus is on promoting goal-oriented, ethical, human-machine collaboration via natural interfaces using domain and user models, learning and planning. He applies these techniques in areas of social as well as commercial relevance with focus for developing countries (e.g., transportation, health and governance). Biplav’s work has lead to many science firsts and high-impact commercial innovations ($B+), 150+ papers and 50+ US patents issued, and awards for papers, demos and hacks. He has interacted with commercial customers, universities and governments, been at standard bodies, and assisted business leaders on technical issues. More details about him are at: http://researcher.watson.ibm.com/researcher/view.php?person=us-biplavs

Dynamo: Low latency data distribution from database to servers

Friday, November 15, 2019 - 02:20 pm
Innovation Center, Room 1400
Speaker: Prunthaban Kanthakumar Affiliation: Google Location: Innovation Center, Room 1400 Time: Friday 11/15/2019 (2:20 - 3:10pm) Abstract: Many applications at Google are structured with source of truth stored in a transactional database and its data being required by servers distributed world-wide. For efficient and fast computation servers store this data in memory. Further, the database is changing continuously and we need to update the in-memory view of these large number of servers in real-time. For example, in Google Search Ads application we have Advertisers configuration stored in a database and for computing Ads in a fast and scalable manner this data is loaded in memory of various servers spread world-wide. In this talk, we describe our solution to this data distribution problem and the challenges that we encountered in providing a highly reliable and low latency service. Bio: Technical Lead Manager of a critical infrastructure team within Google Search Ads responsible for building a system that performs large scale data extraction & transformation from database and reliably distribute it to servers globally in near real time.

Data Analysis For Insider’s Misuse Detection

Tuesday, November 12, 2019 - 03:00 pm
Meeting Room 2267, Innovation Center
DISSERTATION DEFENSE Department of Computer Science and Engineering University of South Carolina Author : Ahmed Saaudi Advisor : Dr. Farkas Date : Nov 12th, 2019 Time : 3:00 pm Place : Meeting Room 2267, Innovation Center Abstract Malicious insiders increasingly affect organizations by leaking classified data to unauthorized entities. Detecting insiders’ misuses in computer systems is a challenging problem. In this dissertation, we propose two approaches to detect such threats: a probabilistic graphical model-based approach and a deep learning-based approach. We investigate the logs of computer-based activities to discover patterns of misuse. We model user’s behaviors as sequences of computer-based events. For our probabilistic graphical model-based approach, we propose an unsupervised model for insider’s misuse detection. That is, we develop Stochastic Gradient Descent method to learn Hidden Markov Models (SGD-HMM) with the goal of analyzing user log data. We propose the use of varying granularity levels to represent users’ log data: Session-based, Day-based, and Week-based. A user’s normal behavior is modeled using SGD-HMM. The model is used to detect any deviation from the normal behavior. We also propose a Sliding Window Technique (SWT) to identify malicious activity by considering the near history of the user’s activities. We evaluate the experimental results in terms of Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC). The area under the curve (AUC) represents the model’s performance with respect to the separability of the classes. The higher the AUC scores, the better the model’s performance. Combining SGD-HMM with SWT resulted in AUC values between 0.81 and 0.9 based on the window size. Our solution is superior to current solutions based on the achieved AUC scores. For our deep learning-based approach, we propose a supervised model for insider’s misuse detection. We present our solution using natural language processing with deep learning. We examine textual event logs to investigate the semantic meaning behind a user’s behavior. The proposed approaches consist of character embeddings and deep learning networks that involve Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM). We develop three deep-learning models: CNN, LSTM, and CNN-LSTM. We run a 10-fold subject-independent cross-validation procedure to evaluate the developed models. Moreover, we use our proposed approach to investigate networks with deeper and wider structures. For this, we study the impact of increasing the number of CNN or LSTM layers, nodes per layer, and both of them at the same time on the model performance. Our deep learning-based approach shows promising behavior. The first model, CNN, presents the best performance of classifying normal samples with an AUC score of 0.88, false-negative rate 32%, and 8% false-positive rate. The second model, LSTM, shows the best performance of detecting malicious samples with an AUC score of 0.873, false-negative rate 0%, and 37% false-positive rate. The third model, CNN-LSTM, presents a moderate behavior of detecting both normal and insider samples with an AUC score of 0.862, false-negative rate 16%, and 17% false-positive rate. Our results indicate that machine learning approaches can be effectively deployed to detect insiders’ misuse. However, it is difficult to obtain labeled data. Furthermore, the high presence of normal behavior and limited misuse activities create a highly unbalanced data set. This impacts the performance of our models.

My Journey in Artificial Intelligence

Thursday, November 7, 2019 - 07:00 pm
Gresette Room, Harper College, 3rd floor
Dr. Marco Valtorta is a professor of Computer Science and Engineering in the College of Engineering and Computing at the University of South Carolina. He received a laurea degree with highest honors in electrical engineering from the Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy, in 1980. After his graduate work in Computer Science at Duke University, he joined the Commission of the European Communities in Brussels, Belgium, where he worked as a project officer for the European Strategic Programme in Information Technologies from 1985 to 1988. In August 1988, he joined the faculty at UofSC in the Department of Computer Science, where he primarily does research in Artificial Intelligence. His first research result, known as “Valtorta’s theorem” and obtained in 1980, was recently (2011) described as “seminal” and “an important theoretical limit of usefulness” for heuristics computed by search in an abstracted problem space. Most of his more recent research has been in the area of uncertainty in artificial intelligence. His proof with graduate student Vimin Huang of the completeness of Pearl’s do-calculus of intervention in 2006 settled a 13-year old conjecture. His students have been best paper award winners at the Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (1993, 2006) and the International Conference on Information Quality (2006). He was undergraduate director for the Department of Computer Science from 1993 to 1999. He was awarded the College of Science and Mathematics Outstanding Advisor Award in 1997. In addition to his teaching and research activity, he has served in numerous service capacities at the departmental (e.g., chair of the tenure and promotion committee and of the colloquium committee), college (e.g ., College of Engineering and Computing scholarship committee), and university level (e.g., faculty senator, committee on curricula and courses, committee on instructional development, university committee on tenure and promotion). In April 2016, Valtorta was elected chair of the university faculty senate and became chair in August 2017 for a two-year term.

Development of a national-scale Big data analytics pipeline to study the potential impacts of flooding on critical infrastructure and communities

Thursday, November 7, 2019 - 02:00 pm
Meeting Room 2267, Innovation Center
DISSERTATION DEFENSE Department of Computer Science and Engineering University of South Carolina Author : Nattapon Donratanapat Advisor : Dr. Jose Vidal and Dr. Vidya Samadi Date : Nov 7th , 2019 Time : 2:00 pm Place : Meeting Room 2267, Innovation Center Abstract With the rapid development of the Internet and mobile devices, crowdsourcing techniques have emerged to facilitate data processing and problem solving particularly for flood emergences purposes. We developed Flood Analytics Information System (FAIS) application as a python interface to gather Big data from multiple servers and analyze flood hazards in real time. The interface uses crowd intelligence and machine learning to provide flood warning and river level information, and natural language processing of tweets during flooding events, with the aim to improve situational awareness for flood risk managers and other stakeholders. We demonstrated and tested FAIS across Lower PeeDee Basin in the Carolinas where Hurricane Florence made extensive damages and disruption. Our research aim was to develop and test an integrated solution based on real time Big data for stakeholder map-based dashboard visualizations that can be applicable to other countries and a range of weather-driven emergency situations. The application allows the user to submit search request from USGS and Twitter through criteria, which is used to modify request URL sent to data sources. The prototype successfully identifies a dynamic set of at-risk areas using web-based river level and flood warning API sources. The list of prioritized areas can be updated every 15 minutes, as the environmental information and condition change.

Creating an AI Platform to Automatically Audit Financial Spend

Thursday, November 7, 2019 - 01:00 pm
Room 2277 in Innovation Building
The Artificial Intelligence Institute in collaboration with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering presents Kunal Verma AppZen uses cutting edge AI technologies to automatically audit financial data such as Expense Reports, Invoices and Contracts. Our platform is currently being used by over 1500 customers including Amazon and JP Morgan Chase. In this talk, we will talk about some of the use cases that we solve and also some key challenges that we face. A key ingredient in our approach is using a semantic layer that understands unstructured data and using this understanding to create features in machine/deep learning models. We will provide an overview of this unique approach. We will also discuss how we are creating a general AI platform that will help us solve current use cases and beyond. Bio: Kunal co-founded AppZen and developed its core artificial intelligence technology. He is passionate about developing AI-based solutions to solve real-world business problems. He is responsible for AppZen’s product vision, and oversees the company’s R&D and data science teams. Previously, he led research teams at Accenture Technology Labs that were responsible for developing AI-based tools for Fortune 500 companies. He earned his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Georgia with a focus on semantic technologies. He is a published author with over 50 refereed papers and holds several granted patents. Kunal is a keen golfer and an avid follower of the Georgia BullDawgs and the Golden State Warriors. Location: CSE Seminar Room - Room 2277 in Innovation Building Date: Thursday, November 7 Time: 1:00 pm

Machine Learning Based Ultra High Carbon Steel Micro-Structure Image Segmentation

Wednesday, November 6, 2019 - 09:00 am
Meeting Room 2267, Innovation Center
DISSERTATION DEFENSE Department of Computer Science and Engineering University of South Carolina Author : Sumith Kuttiyil Suresh Advisor : Dr. Jianjun HU Date : Nov 6th , 2019 Time : 9:00 am Place : Meeting Room 2267, Innovation Center Abstract Ultra-high carbon steel(UHCS) materials are carbon steels which contain 1-2.1% carbon. These steels show remarkable structural properties when processed at different external conditions. It can be made superplastic at intermediate temperatures and strong with good tensile ductility at ambient temperatures. Further, they can be made hard with compression toughness. Contrary to conventional wisdom, UHCS are ideal replacements for currently used high-carbon (0.5–1 % carbon) steels because they have comparable ductility but higher strength and hardness. UHCS can be laminated with other metal-based materials to achieve superplasticity, high impact resistance, exceptionally high tensile ductility, and improved fatigue behavior. This makes UHCS to be widely used in the material world to build various kinds of industrial tools. This quality of UHCS attributes to the variety of microstructure formed at different processing conditions. Hence the study of micro-constituents which contributes to the overall property of the material is a core focus of the discipline of material science. Through my research, I try to study the usefulness of machine learning and image processing techniques in UHCS image classification and segmentation. I primarily focus on using image segmentation methods to segment UHCS microstructure images based on micro-constituent location.

Neurons, Perceptron and Deep Learning: Milestones toward Artificial General Intelligence

Friday, November 1, 2019 - 02:20 pm
Innovation Center, Room 1400
Speaker: Venkat Kaushik Affiliation: OpenText Corporation Location: Innovation Center, Room 1400 Time: Friday 11/1/2019 (2:20 - 3:10pm) Affiliation: OpenText Corporation Abstract: Deep Learning is a culmination of advances in cognitive neuroscience, neurobiology, clinical psychology, mathematics and statistics and logic. The explosion in data coupled with the recent advancements in custom compute and cloud scale storage has brought us super-human narrow AI systems such Watson, AlphaZero and DeepFace. A portion of this talk is an exploration of key ideas and their significance in the context of neural networks which forms the basis of most deep learning systems. Here, I will highlight several milestones that led us to our current vantage point. Remainder of the talk telescopes on the prerequisites that may help pave the way for a safe, human-centered Artifical General Intelligence (AGI). Bio: I am a solutions architect and specialize in Enterprise Information Management (EIM) for large enterprises. I received a PhD in physics from University of Texas at Arlington in 2007. My doctoral dissertation and post-doctoral work respectively centered on a search for the Higgs boson at the DZero experiment at Fermilab and precision top quark measurements for ATLAS experiment at CERN. I have witnessed the collection and use petabyte scale dataset and grid computing spanning multiple continents. I used Artificial Neural Networks in search for exotic particles and contributed to building and refining software for advanced multivariate statistics, hypotheses testing and particle/detector Monte Carlo simulations. Since transitioning to IT industry in 2013, I have assumed several different roles in platform and data engineering, technical leadership in big data technologies specializing in distributed, relational and in-memory databases and message streaming. My current focus areas are leveraging machine learning algorithms to improve business outcomes in EIM and practice of cloud architecture. I have enjoyed being an adjunct faculty in the physics department of University of South Carolina. I am avid technology enthusiast and a voracious consumer of knowledge.