We are looking for instructors for the Girls Go for I.T. coding camp?
The camp is aimed at middle-school girls. This opportunity is for female computer science majors to apply for funding from the National Center for Women & IT and share their interests coding and STEM with the next generation. This will be our 6th year hosting the camp, so we have a lot of resources to share, and it is of course a paid position. Instructors will be part of a team of 2-3 instructors. (The team will include a lead instructor from computer science and an education lead from the middle-level teacher training program in the School of Education.)
The camp dates are June 17-21 (Week 1 -- Games with Scratch) and June 24-28 (Week 2 -- App Inventor). Depending on the candidate we will also run a co-ed week of camp for a local summer program (The Shandon Weekday School) June 10-14, using Scratch.
Alicia Wilson
Professor and Associate Director
School of the Earth, Ocean and Environment