Hello Fellow USC Students,
I am working on a new start-up, and we have worked out a business plan that is starting to gain some popularity. We are now attempting to get to the next level by getting a demo and/or a MVP (minimally viable product). In order to start attracting investors and gain more momentum, we are looking for an individual who be willing to do a small contract for bringing our product into visual presentation. Please see below for the skill sets we are looking for in a contract position.
Our Business Project:
A social media app designed for athletes, sports enthusiast, and all people who are looking to find other people to play sports. The design is based on studies and surveys we have conducted. Contact us for more information.
Contract Position for Web/App Design
We are looking for someone who can create sleek presentations about Websites and Apps. This individual will be an “artists” at web design or app design. At this point in time functionality is not as important as looks and flow. Please email me if you have the skills to take on this project, and email me other web and app designs that you have done. Depending on investments, we would likely hire this person on full-time later.
We will negotiate pay for the project.
Joseph Demke