Faculty position to teach on the Spartanburg and/or Greenville campus. The Department of Informatics and Engineering Systems is a vibrant, multi-disciplinary department within a newly formed College of Science and Technology. We seek a colleague who has a passion for teaching in the classroom and online, undergraduate advising and can actively participate in the Department and with University and community partners. Duties include teaching undergraduate courses, serving on university committees, and actively supporting the initiatives of the Department.
Required: Master’s degree in information management systems, information technology, informatics, or closely-related field with at least 18 hours in information systems; and recent record of satisfactory teaching in the field. Successful background check is required.
Preferred: Ph.D. in information management systems or information technology; a proven record of excellence in teaching; established corporate relationships; and experience in corporate information technology management. Preference will be given to candidates with experience teaching online with innovative, engaging pedagogies; and experience teaching or working with relational databases, microcomputer architecture, information security, human-computer interaction and/or social informatics.