University Cybersecurity Resources
The Division of Information Technology is in charge of cybersecurity planning, policies, and implementations. They provide services to the academic units, end-users, and system administrators. Complete list of services, awareness and training materials, and cybersecurity resources are accessible at the Security site.
Student Organizations with Security Activities: Check out out the websites of the Cybersecurity Club and the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM). News about our students' competition successes and events are announced at the main CSE website. Check out some of our latest student news:
- Hunter Damron Receives NSF GRFP Fellowship Award, March 2021
- Best Poster Award at ACM HotMobile for Timothy Dayne Hooks and Hem Regmi, March 2021
- Computer science student receives national recognition from the CRA, March 2020
- Alireza Nasiri, Jing Jin and Steph-Yves Louis Win Big Data Award, February 2020
- Student Finds and Reports Software Vulnerability, August 2019
- 2019 Backers and Hackers Winners, April 2019
- CyberSecurity Team Wins Second Place, November 2018
- USC Students Attend Hackathon and Receive 2nd and 3rd Place, September 2018
UofSC Cybersecurity News
- UofSC, U.S. Army forge cyber training partnership
- UofSC to lead statewide cyber effort
- Additional news are posted at the university's main news site
Useful external resources
- Homeland Security News Wire - Cybersecurity
- Cybersecurity Journals & Conferences
- Government Cybersecurity Websites
- Cryptography Resources
- Intrusion Detection
- Mailing Lists
- Cybersecurity News Sources
- Cybersecurity Organizations
- Water Marking Resources